A Physical Acoustics

1. Acoustic and Elastic Metamaterials and Phononic Crystals
2. Acoustic Tweezers and Particle Manipulation
3. Acoustics of Granular Media and Geophysical Applications
4. Bubbles and Cavitation
5. Computational Acoustics for Complex Media and Structures
6. Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT and PMUT) Technologies and Applications
7. Nano-Acoustics and Phonons
8. Nonlinear Acoustics and Ultrasonics
9. Opto-Acoustics
10. Picosecond Laser Ultrasonics
11. Resonators and Applications
12. Surface Acoustic Waves and Guided Waves
13. Thermo-Acoustics
14. Topological Acoustics
15. Ultrasonic Scattering
16. Ultrasonic Signal Processing and Instrumentation
17. Ultrasound in Air
18. Nonlinear Properties of Piezoelectric Ceramics (FOR 5208)

B Biomedical Ultrasound

1. Biomedical Ultrasound for Therapy and Diagnosis
2. Cellular and Anti-bubble Acoustics (Acoustics and Its Interaction with Cells; Bio-effects; Ultrasound Safety)
3. Full-wave Inversions in Medical Imaging
4. Functional Ultrasound Image Acquisition and Reconstruction: Quantitative, Flow, Elasto, and Contrast Enhanced Techniques
5. Hard Tissue Characterization and Novel Imaging Method
6. High-frame Rate Ultrasound Imaging and Applications
7. High-Frequency Ultrasound Imaging
8. Intelligent Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Therapy
9. Medical Photoacoustics
10. Super-Resolution Imaging
11. Targeted and Accelerated Drug Delivery by Ultrasound
12. Ultrasonic Characterization of Tissues
13. Ultrasound Contrast Agents
14. Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging
15. Ultrasound Transducers for Medical Uses
16. Clinical Applications of Medical Ultrasound

C Nondestructive Evaluation

1. Acoustic Imaging and Beamforming Applications
2. Acoustic Microscopy
3. Acoustic Sensors
4. Application of nonlinear acoustics and ultrasonics to NDE
5. Characterization of Composites
6. Guided Waves and Their Applications in NDT and SHM
7. Micro-Acoustic Devices and Sensors
8. NDE and SHM for Energy Industry
9. NDT and NDE Transducers
10. Nondestructive Evaluation of Aviation components and Application
11. Pipe Vibration and Applications
12. Sensors and Smart Materials
13. Ultrasonic Material Characterization
14. Ultrasonic Wavefield Imaging
15. Underwater Acoustics and Applications

D Industrial Ultrasound

1. Energy Harvesting
2. Industrial Applications of Power Ultrasound
3. Laser Ultrasonics Applications in Industry and Aeronautics
4. Machine Learning and Statistical Methods in Ultrasonics
5. Optical Fiber Acoustic Sensors and Applications
6. Power Ultrasonics
7. Ultrasonic Motors and Actuators
8. Ultrasound Flow Measurements

E Emerging Fields

1. Acoustic Holograms and Acoustic Fabrication
2. Coupled acoustic/elastic/electromagnetic waves
3. Digital Rocks and Rock Acoustic Physics
4. Machine Learning and Statistical Methods in Acoustics
5. Reservoir Acoustics and Borehole Acoustic Logging
6. Ultrasound Flow Measurements and Acoustic Micro-Fluidics
7. Underwater Acoustics Network